Friday, January 22, 2010

Hiatal Hernia Reflux What Foods Are Not Good To Eat With A Hiatal Hernia And Acid Reflux Disease.?

What foods are not good to eat with a hiatal Hernia and Acid reflux disease.? - hiatal hernia reflux

No fat or spicy or sour. Enjoy your food fad.


  1. My mother had a hiatal hernia, and I had the beer, dairy products, eating red wine, more ... scidic cut this kind of thing

  2. Foods to stay away from acidic foods high in fat, that is, fried foods, cheese, saturated fatty acids in meat, citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar or vinegar. Choose soft foods, pasta, potatoes, rice, bananas, apples, low fat dairy products, green vegetables, lentils. Try a glass of lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon juice in the morning to acid stomach stablise

  3. Do not eat spicy foods, salad, ground beef .... Problems remain stuck and cause a choking
